Unique technologies we chose not to bring commercial success
Over the period from 2007 – 2010 we operated the daughter company HelioPower A/S in Denmark with a subsidiary HelioPower Ltd. 80 km east of Cape Town in South Africa. The purpose was to commercialize our patented method of solar panels hidden under roofing material. Partners were besides my brother Flemming also the two brothers Niels & Erik Johansen - the best guys one can imagine.

A range of options became interesting:
- Design of and examples of energy efficient houses in South-Africa and in south of Spain (32° latitude)
- Solar heating hidden under slate roofing materials in particular for estates in South Africa
- Solar heating hidden under bitumen based roofing materials
- Invisible Solar heating IPR sold to CUPA in Spain, now known as ThermoSlate
- JouleWall combined heating and cooling of buildings eliminating traditional air-condition systems
- JouleWall technology and IPR offered / investigated for various projects in Saudi Arabia and South Africa
Download some files from that time